I Heart Zappos

If you've never shopped at Zappos.com, you should try it. They have GREAT customer service. Really over and above the call of duty. The above shoes (Oh Deer! Marilyn) were ordered by me a few months ago after I drooled over them for forever. When I got them in, they were too big in the heel. Of course! I have a narrow heel, always have, causing me to flip flop out of shoes like a child. Buying shoes for me when I was a child was not easy. My mom hated it.
Anyway, my beloved shoes arrived, I was flip-flopping out of them, tripping around and obviously needed a smaller pair. So, being the huge procrastinator that I am I put the whole box in a corner to deal with "later".
I discovered after a big cleanup, that my friend and saving grace, Melissa, had thrown away the packing box and paperwork and put the shoes and shoebox in the closet. She is used to me having boxes of things around. But, I needed that to return the shoes! So, I thought I'd call and see what I could do. The lady who I spoke to was so sweet. She sent me a smaller size right away. I called on Friday and Monday they were at my door. Then she sent me a return slip so I can ship the too big ones back, "When I get a chance." How awesome is that?
The new shoes fit and I L.O.V.E. them. They are everything I dreamed. Just go on over to
Zappos and look for whatever shoe or sunglasses you want. They have tons of brands and there's a SALE! Oh, and FREE overnight shipping! What else could you possibly want?
If you've ever bought anything from Zappos, let me know. How did you like it? What did you buy? If you have not, did I make you interested? Even a little curious?

I also bought these Roxy's from Zappos. I love them, too. I get mucho compliments on them. They are very comfy & sooooo cute.
I also got my sunglasses from Zappos. They are my first "big girl" pair. Meaning they cost more than $10. They came in a pink hard case with a little beige cloth to wipe the lens. They are very glam. Everybody knows how much I love GLAM.
Labels: fashion, favorite stuff, Link to shoes, review, shopping, sunglasses