Midnight Snack

*Biiiiiig sigh*
It's 1 a.m and I just woke up and came in the back bedroom. I went to sleep at about 9 with a headache but I woke up a little while ago because Luke was snoring. LOUDLY! I have a migraine and I want a doughnut. Yummy, yummy, yummy.
I had a bad day. I just felt awful physically and I feel gross. I'm on my period and I'm still not used to it. I just got off of my birth control pill in December and I am used to taking it continuously and not having a period. This is the 6th day on it and I'm through, friends, through.
Then I am also having major skin problems. I used Philosophy for a long while and I really liked it. I have very dry skin though and felt like I needed something more. I was over zealous and didn't do any homework and while dad and I were at the mall just bought something. It was expensive and pretty but didn't do anything. When HEAVEN opened up at our mall, I went and bought some cleanser and moisturizer (and *cough* other stuff). It's all natural and I really love it. I broke out though. I don't know what the problem is. I go to see the dermatologist on Wednesday. If I have to, I'll bring back all the new stuff and go back to Philosophy.
I am also very, very hairy. I have hair on my neck and throat and face. It's like a man and it's embarrassing. I tweeze/wax my eyebrows but wax irritates and hurts my throat and neck. I used to use a depilatory cream but, my skin is just way too sensitive. I have to use it on too much of my skin and it burns! I'm going to find out about laser treatments. Something has to help me.
So, I was in tears more than once today because I am hairy and pimply and in pain. Cute.
Labels: blah, me, migraine, skincare