Monday, February 23, 2009


I am awake at 3 am, again! Blue and I went to bed at around 6:30 and watched a movie. We turned off the lights and went to sleep for 9 but I woke up at 12:30 or so. I looked at my phone and saw a text message from a friend. The message had upsetting news and I have not been able to fall asleep again. I finally just gave up and came to the living room.

I watched The Amazing Race and I'm now watching all last week's General Hospitals. I DVR'ed the Oscars but I did that in my room so I have to wait. My heart is racing and my stomach feels empty and fluttery. I feel both restless and tired, anxious and worn out. I am fighting the urge to eat. It's times like these that I wish I still smoked. But I don't.

I ask that you pray for a family that I know. They have a very, very young baby girl who is fighting to live. This is a DIFFERENT baby from before. Life is just so unexpected and fragile and scary.

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