Another Meme (with beautiful shoe links)
I saw this on a few peoples' blogs and thought I'd d do it. 1. What were you doing ten years ago?
It was 1998, the summer before my Senior year. I was dating satan and he was breaking up with me and then coming back. This would last almost a year. I had a car that I loved- my Honda Civic. It was a 93, two doors and red. Sarah and I were good friends. Her boyfriend and mine were friends (they were both assholes). Sarah's bf was cute. 2. What are five things on your to-do list today?
I'll tell you what's on the list for tomorrow because it's 7pm & I have had a migraine all day.-grocery shopping-towels-mail off some packages-pick-up medicine-work-out with Gussie3. Snacks you enjoy?
Right now, I love:-big, fat, pitted cherries-carrot sticks-hummus-Pink Lady apples-cheese-grapes4. Places you’ve lived:-
My 1st hometown, LAthe town we live in now (about 5 minutes from 1st "town"), LALuke's hometown, GA15 minutes from Luke's hometown, GA5. What are 5 things you would do if you were a billionaire?-
- invest-give to charities like St Jude and for abused, neglicted and/or unwanted children-buy a fabulous house-buy some of my dream shoes like these, these, these, these, these, and these to start. then, this and this and my dream bag that I love so much this.-get Luke season tickets to the UGA football games-
I know this is six, but I would be sure my parents had whatever they needed and wanted. I'd never want them to have to work again. Labels: I want, Link to shoes, meme, purses, shoes, shopping