Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Live From American Idol!

I'm not blogging enough to separate my tv from my regular so, this is my American Idol post. I DVR everything so, it's behind an an hour.

First comments- (1) I miss Carly! (2) Neil Diamond ugggggggggh...... spare me! (3) Paula is such an aggravation.

Jason- He always, always sounds the same. It was a decent performance, but nothing outstanding. I don't understand the girls going crazy over him. He has pretty eyes. I don't see anything to scream my head off over. The song, the blue jean song, is silly.

David C- I have been a big David C fan in the past. My favs of his were his "Billie Jean" and "Always Be My Baby". This was another mediocre performance: good enough, same sound, boring. It sounds a bit theatrical. I've never heard this song before.

Brooke- I actually like this song ("I'm A Believer") and I think she did a pretty good job. I like it better when a band does it, the way I've heard it before, but it was a decent effort. It was good compared to last week. I hope she keeps her shoes on for her next performance.

David A.- Let me just say before he even sings, I would never buy a CD of this guys. I think many little tweens and maybe older ladies would, though. Oh, he's such a cheeseball..... He really was kinda pitchy. The judges will probably love him though. He'd be great on Broadway.

Syesha- Every week I am bored to tears by this girl. I actually really liked this performance, though. I do think she tries really hard to sound like Whitney and falls short (she missed a few of her high notes in the beginning) and that hurts her a little. She has a gorgeous face.

Okay, the judges are talking. Paula needs to be fired! Who takes her seriously?
Jason- I like it better from the get-go. My lil bro loves the faces he makes. WOW! Kathryn, he does have gigantic feet. I just know he'd look so much better with a haircut. Oh, the end was bad. It was ALL RIGHT. (The judges are unimpressed, too)
David Cook- I don't like the facial hair but I loove the guitar. I think this song is better. Every rocker needs a big ballad, in my opinion. This is not the best but it's good. He has great lips. He can be very sexy. I'd buy his CD and see him live (hopefully with pics of him sans beard). It's mostly my kinda stuff. (The judges dig it. The second song is a winner with them.)
Brooke- Ok, let's see what she does. Her hair looks really pretty this week. A big fat NO on the pants. Oh My GOD! I was digging it and I get a Required Weekly Test on the tv. I like when she's at the piano more than not, I think she is more comfortable there, more in her element. I liked it and think it was good. (The judges liked this second song better. They thought the 1st one was not so great.)
David A.- I always think "theatre" when I see this kid perform. Oh, bad note! Anyway, I see him as very cheesy, Disney, corny, good voice (none of this is bad). This performance was okay. I just can't get into him. I know everybody adores him and all. (The judges love him, of course.)
Syesha- I wanted her gone a long time ago. She should've been gone before Michael Johns or Carly Smithson. That is just what I have to say before she even sings, so you all know how I've felt all this time. Beginning of the song was rough, bad notes. I don't like it, she's all over, vocally. Sounds like she is searching for her note. I do not like the no shoes. What the hell is that???? (The judges liked it. Ummm, Corinne Bailey Rae she is not though, Paula. Simon thinks she is in trouble.)
** So, all in all, not a big fan of tonight. I knew that because it was Neil Diamond night. After it's all over, my fav was David Cook's second performance. Please, please shave tonight.

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