I Need Sleep
I can't believe how easy it is to get so overwhelmed. When I was on the K, I did nothing but computer and talk on the phone and watch
tv. I'm still adjusting, though. My sleep is wretched, my skin is so incredibly dry (I spent a disgusting amount of money in
SEphoRa yesterday on new lotions and potions for the skin) (I loved it- more on that later), I have headaches, my brain is crazy and loopy and half the time (or more) I am confused. Please bare with me if I make no sense or I'm boring or don't post as often as before.
The GREAT news is that I have energy like I have not had in years. I'm talking since I was in high school, age 16 (I'm 27) or so. That feels really good. It's different though because I'm just a different person coming out of the medicinal fog. I'm a little rawer- not like Eddie Murphy Raw, like vulnerable raw. I don't know how to explain so I'm not going to try, but some things I believe will readjust in time and some things are just part of maturity.
I have to say that I feel like my creative juices are gone. Maybe they left with the K. Maybe they left with the depression. Maybe I'm just tired. I hope it's just a phase because I've really missed blogging. I wish I had my old computer with my old stuff on it and everything in it's place. I lost all my blog friends' addresses (except the ones on the sidebar- I know my sidebar is old and crappy), my go to sites, all my stuff.
Whaaaaaaaaa! Yeah, I'm being cranky.
This post is really junk. I should delete it but I want to put something out there. I'm going to stop talking now, though. Maybe after some dinner I'll feel better. Worse case, maybe after I get some sleep tonight (*fingers crossed*).
P.S. I will answer all specific questions very soon. Especially the shoe one, Lys!
Labels: Klonopin, life