Keepin On
Oh with the heart palpitations and the drinking!
That is the constant symptoms. I try to sleep and wake up maybe an hour or so later with my heart racing. Not just flutters but racing. It's awful!
I'm so thirsty all the time. I drink so much water, juice, caff. free diet coke, water, water.
I have a lot of headaches, too. Not migraines. Today the headaches have been worse. My mood hasn't been great. I've been down, tired, achey, irritated. I think, "What is going to happen when I go down again? This is just the beginning! Maybe I cannot do this."
I have to try. I have to continue. I will do it. I will be fine. I have people who love and support me. Plus, I am strong.
I just have to keep telling myself that. A lot. Labels: blah, illness, Klonopin, me