*NOTICE* Calling All Mommies!
Lindsey, my IRL best friend, and I talk about Cooper a lot. We talk about parenting styles in general and she tells me things that she is doing specifically and I tell her about things I have read or seen. We have talked many times about kids and TV. We have discussed the "What is appropriate for what ages", the "Not just because it's a cartoon..." topic, etc, etc...
Lindsey's oldest sister has three children, twins who are 7 and a daughter who will be three at the end of November. Apparently, the two of them were discussing the fact that there are no more shows on at night that the twins could watch that resemble shows like WE watched. Remember shows like,
The Cosby Show, Full House, Growing Pains, and
Family Ties? Remember
TGIF on ABC ? It had shows like
Perfect Strangers, Just the Ten of Us, and
Mr. Belvedere. I loved those shows and they just don't make 'em like they used to, do they? Or maybe they do and we don't know where to find them. I am not a parent. Yet. I've found lots of new things and ideas about parenting that I would like to try if I'm ever blessed with a child. I am also a writer and, more recently, a researcher. I'd love for you to help me with my latest project.
I'm going to be sending emails out to all of you who a) I know have children b) I have your email address. It will include a series of questions about how much TV your kids watch, what you do and do not allow, why you don't allow certain shows, etc... I will ask you if you are OK with me using any part of your questionnaire as a part of my final write up, or if you'd like to be used as just a statistic. I want to collect data and get numbers, i.e. 40% of the people asked allow their children to watch as much TV as the child wants.
If you would like to participate and you don't think I have your email address, you can email me or leave a comment. If you have a question, email me or leave a comment.
This project and all data acquired will be used for myself and the blog ONLY. Thanks for your time, if you decide to participate.
Labels: feedback, fun, motherhood, reader partipation, TV