Tuesday, May 15, 2007

It's So Hard To Say Goodbye...

Tonight is the series finale of Gilmore Girls. This is very distressing to me but, that just is one more thing to add to the pile of "upset" going on... Anyway, I'm very unhappy because I love, love Rory (Alexis Bledel) & even more so, I really love Lorelai (Lauren Graham). I'm not sure if anyone who reads my blog actually watches GG so, I'll tell you it's a great show based around a mother-daughter who grow up together. It's incredibly well written, clever, smart and beautifully acted. The two women live in a small (fictional) New England town, Stars Hollow, full of quirky characters who have fun little "festivals" and traditions.

I met Rory & Lorelai Gilmore one day by chance on a rerun. I was flipping through the channels and watched the show one afternoon and was hooked. I immediately wanted to get the DVDs of all the previous seasons so that I could be caught up before the next season. My mom found a great deal on a boxed set of 5 seasons. I started watching and watching and watching. It begins with Rory in high school, a freshman, and ends tonight after she's graduated from Yale.

What I'm really wanting to talk about is "series finales" in general. I get so emotionally invested in these shows and the characters. Sarah & I talked about it in one of the comment boxes. Friends, Sex and the City, and of course, Will & Grace, are some of the big "series finales" that have happened recently. I was pleased with the way Friends ended. Everyone except poor Joey (and his crap "spin-off ") got what they wanted and ended up happy. Lindsey and I ADORE Will & Grace and we debated about what we wanted to happen/ what we thought would happen for the finale and it was not what I expected or wanted. Lindsey wasn't as upset. Both of us just wish the show could go on forever and ever...

I know that finales usually get outstanding ratings- like the Friends finale had 52.25 million viewers! I don't know what "ratings numbers" mean or how it all works but, that's a lot of people!! Of course, lots of people (obviously), myself included, felt like we knew Monica & Chandler, Ross & Rachel (so glad they got together), Phoebe & Joey- just as if they were our, well, FRIENDS! I cried when Ross & Rachel broke up and was sad to see them heartbroken without each other. I laughed at Monica's neurosis & was excited for her and Chandler's relationship. I loooooved going through (yes, I went through, too) Rachel's pregnancy and the oh so sweet (& funny) birth of baby Emma.

For me, though, it was easier to "let go" because it was all wrapped up well- even if all a little too nicely. I'm upset about Gilmore Girls because it NEEDS another season to get that "wrap up". Woe is meeeee :( I have heard through my sources that it's partly (mostly, u-humm) the fault of little miss Bledel who was "on the fence" about another season and Lauren Graham wouldn't sign on without her. Alexis wanted to "explore other options". Traveling in her pants or whatever. Okay, okay, I know, I'm being bitter and I shouldn't be because I love Rory and there'd be no Rory without Alexis. I really hope that Lauren Graham gets a new series. She is just so good. Granted the lines are FANTASTIC (very quick & witty), she is funny & pretty. She plays one of Diane Keaton's daughter's in Because I Said So. I have no idea what her name is because I have not see nthe movie- she's the one that's not Mandy Moore! She was also Keanu Reeves' girlfriend, Angelica, in Sweet November. She was also a "Seinfeild Girl" in the epi called "The Millinium".

So, goodbye Lorelai & Rory! And Luke, Sookie, Lane, Jackson, Kirk, April, Miss Patty,Babette, Emily & Richard, Michele, and everyone. My Tuesdays won't be the same without ye! But I have my boxed set to keep your memories alive :) And House on Tuesday nights. That show is just AWESOME!!! And oh how much do I love Hugh Laurie? Let me count the ways....

Tomorrow I will let you in on everything I know about which shows have been picked up for more (yay Scrubs!), cancelled (George Lopez- nooooo! I love him & that's one more sitcom dead and gone.), and new shows on the roster (Lipstick Jungle by the SATC people, starring Brooke Sheilds & Lindsey Price- she was Steve Sanders' wife on 90210). Let me know now which show(s) you want to know about for sure. By the way, Kate Walsh's Grey's spin-off Private Practice HAS been picked up as a new show on the alphabet channel. More on that tomorrow...

Also, let me know which shows have you been emotionally invested in. Am I just coo-coo? I know I'm not because I read so much stuff and people really love tv. I wanna know which series you hated to see go. Were your fav shows murdered with a bad ending?

Quotes from the show:

Rory: "You're happy"

Lorelai: "Yeah"

Rory: "Did you do something slutty?"

Lorelai: "I'm not that happy"


Logan: "Rory, you're special"

Rory: "Like eating-the -paste special"

***Quick Update- Watched the last GG episode and it did not dissapoint. I did cry through the entire last half hour (or maybe last 45 minutes, okay...) as Rory prepared to leave Stars Hollow and Lorelai, starting her first real job in journalism. The mother-daughter dynamic was great as always but, these last precious scenes between Rory & Lorelai were so touching. Lorelai being so strong, getting all the things on Rory's "list" that she would need, telling her things like "Don't wear shorts, no matter how hot it is. It's just not professional." And Rory asks her how she's not freaking out and Lor just smiles and says it's not time and that she has to get her ready to leave and spend quality time with her. Later that night as Rory sleeps, Lorelai goes into her room and looks down on her and cries. That is just how my mom is. What a good mom does- lets their child go on to follow their dreams without weighing them down with your own grief. And, Luke and Lorelai finally got it together. They've always loved each other and they are just sososo cute!

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