In no particular order, this is a list of some of my goals for 2010:
- start exercising again regularly (um, or at all)
- eat better- more fruits and veggies, less cake and white bread (oh how I love the bread, biscuits, cake)
- have more sex (difficult with a new baby)
- have non electronic (no tv, cell phones, computer) quality time with Blue and Bunny
- keep Bunny's clothes organized- put away things that don't fit or she won't wear again (I'm doing a good job of this SO FAR-with help-but she's only grown out of one size. And those clothes are culled out of her wardrobe but not put away)
- read AT LEAST 12 (I'm saying one a month) books that have nothing to do with breastfeeding, parenting, babies.
- journal more- hand written or computer
- make some mommy friends
- save money
- go to church with Bunny
- breastfeed for the whole year
- learn more about baby led weaning, no cry sleep solutions and other gentle parenting practices
What are yours?