Yesterday, mom and I took Bunny (I changed it to Bunny. I call her that and I like it) to get her pictures made. I got the package where she gets 4 sessions in her first year and this was her newborn ones. Now Bunny has been such an angel baby for these first three weeks of her life. She still sleeps SO much and hardly ever cries. I figured it was the perfect oppertunity for pictures.
Kelly, the photographer, likes to shoot the newborns early in life-when they still sleep a lot- so they are still easy to pose. I figured this was a non-issue because Bunny sleeps hard all the time. We got to Kelly's house and Bunny was asleep. We took off her clothes and she woke up! And then she wouldn't go back to sleep for anything.
First, Kelly put her on a white faux-fur rug thing and she pooped all over it. A lot. Then, Kelly picked her up and she peed all over her! This went on for two hours- pooping (three times) and peeing (twice) and not cooperating at all. Finally, in the last 15 minutes or so, Bunny fell asleep and Kelly got her shots.
Here are just two of many more:
There is a Santa one that will be our Christmas Card/Birth Announcement. They came out so good. Kelly is a wonderful, patient photographer and Bunny is so gorgeous, if I do say so myself. I can't wait to see all of them.
I'm a 28 year-old really obsessed with shoes. I'm married to Blue. I love reading and writing. I am very into tv, celebrities, and pop culture. I love makeup, fashion, and all that jazz.