Angel Baby
It's A Girl!
Sweet Angel Baby Girl
born October 17, 2009
at 8:17 am
She weighed 7 lbs 7.4 oz
and was 19 1/2 inches long
We just got home today because Angel Baby had some little issues. She is fine though and I promise to come back and tell more. And post a picture. Blogger isn't allowing me to do that right now. If you are friends with me on Facebook there are pictures and real names (email me if you are not and want to know because I'm not hiding it from you, of course). She is named for two of her great-grandmothers- one of Blue's and one of mine.
I'm thinking of calling her Sweet Pea on the blog. I'm open to suggestions though.
P.S.- I'm so thrilled. Beyond. And so very in love.