Today is better than yesterday. A lot. Well, it is now.
My hair guy called me this morning and told me heard that I was unhappy with my hair. I told him that was true and that I couldn't walk around like that. He was defensive of his own work but told me to come back in today for a toner. I was a nervous wreck because I knew that everyone had been discussing it and were all looking at me when I walked in- the BAD client. The pregnant bitch, you know?
He took his time and applied the toner evenly in my hair (that did NOT happen Wednesday- it was sloppily applied) and let it sit for 30 minutes. I read my book and drank my water while I waited anxiously. As soon as it was washed from my hair, I could tell it was 1,000 times better. I like it a lot now.
Last night was rough for me. I was in a mood (as you could tell from the previous post) and couldn't shake it. I was tired and hurting (Baby has moved it's dear sweet head from my pubic bone today) and ugly. When Blue came to get into bed with me at around 8, he wanted to try to feel Baby move. He'd never been able to before. After just a few minutes, he felt it! I was SO excited and he was so amazed- I cried. No, not my typical weepy self, but a big huge sobbing 20 minute ordeal.
Poor Blue told me, "Uh could you not do that because now I can't feel anything but you shaking." That made me laugh. But I was still crying. Now, I cry for everything. All the time. But this was different and I didn't know what was wrong. I told Blue, "I;m just so.... I don't know!" He thought that was hilarious. Picture- pregnant me- sobbing into my pillow and Blue laughing his head off.
I think that such is the journey to mommyhood, no? I think it's normal. I HOPE it is! Anyway, it's all better now. I feel like I look better and I'm not in pain. Check back soon to see what's up then.
I'm a 28 year-old really obsessed with shoes. I'm married to Blue. I love reading and writing. I am very into tv, celebrities, and pop culture. I love makeup, fashion, and all that jazz.