This morning I went to see my OB for our monthly checkup. I was so super dizzy but she said that my blood pressure and everything was fine. She told me everything was fine- Baby's heartbeat, my weight, my belly measurements, all of that.
But that was the only good thing. And the Subway sandwich that I had at noon was good.
Otherwise, I was in so much pain in my lower back and pubic bone. I can hardly walk. I'm so tired and I have ugly hair. I went yesterday to get it done and I should've known better. I am so stupid for doing something different while pregnant. I got it hi lighted. It's awful.
I don't know what I was expecting. I wanted it to be blond/blond and he said we'd gradually do that. But, it's yellow/brassy, streaky, striped and looks cheap. It's very 1997. I didn't like it while I was there and I said that I was afraid but they were all- we love it. I'm stupid for leaving.
I'm afraid to call them and see what they'll do. The other stylist that works next to mine tells me all the time that he's never had a complaint except for from pregnant women. I don't know if it looks like this because of pregnancy hormones or because he did something wrong. He kept telling me that it's because of the color it was when I got there.
So, I don't know what to do. I CANNOT live with this hair. If I call and tell them that I hate it, what should I ask them to do? Should I just get some auburn color again over this? Or should I let them "tone" it down? I don't know.... I feel like they never should've let me leave like this. The back actually looks ok, the front- the stripey, cheap, blah, blah...
I'm feeling really gross and sad and depressed so, sorry that this post is all ramble-y and silly.
I'm a 28 year-old really obsessed with shoes. I'm married to Blue. I love reading and writing. I am very into tv, celebrities, and pop culture. I love makeup, fashion, and all that jazz.