I'm super tired. We went today for another appointment at the OB's office. We were there for three hours or so but it was worth it. We (Blue, my mom and I) got to see Baby again during the sonogram. S/he was moving all around and is so much different from last time at 11 weeks. We saw both legs and feet and both arms and legs. At one point, Baby moved her(his) arm up and it looked like s/he was waving. We could even see the little individual fingers!! So cute.
I promise to have the pictures soon. The doctor said that everything looks great for both Baby and me. I'm super happy about that. Next appointment and sonogram in 4 weeks at 19 weeks. I can't wait to see what s/he does then.
I'm a 28 year-old really obsessed with shoes. I'm married to Blue. I love reading and writing. I am very into tv, celebrities, and pop culture. I love makeup, fashion, and all that jazz.