Thursday, April 16, 2009

People Must Not Like Reading About My Pregnancy

My stats have gone down a little. I'm guessing because of all the pregnancy talk. I can't help it though, Baby consumes me. I found out that I was pregnant at 3w4d. I used to sometimes forget that I was pregnant for a little while. I don't do that anymore. How can I? My eating, sleeping, exercise, sex, tv watching and reading habits have all changed because of Baby. I became a mother that Friday morning and I didn't even really realize it.

I will try to talk about other things. I can't promise though. Ask me questions, give me topics you wanna discuss!

While I wait on that, I will tell you about something I bought yesterday. I have been craving all things sour: oranges, pickles, lemons, sweet tarts, Sour Patch Kids, etc. This is one of the reasons that some people believe that Baby is a GIRL! Anyway, yesterday at Target, I found these pickles.
I opened them for lunch this morning (not alone, with a sandwich) and I loved them. If you love pickles and you love spicy things- these are for you. Kelli told me a few months ago about some spicy pickles that her husband's family makes. They sounded so delicious but I never got around to making them. These are so fabulous! Another one may be in my future.

When I was little, one of my favorite things that my mama made was chicken rice. She made baked chicken and the chicken rice and I loved it. I have been craving it for awhile so, I bought a whole fryer and plan to cook it tonight. Here is the problem- I never worked with a whole fryer before. I don't know what to do with it. My dad showed me but I don't remember. I guess when I open it, I'll figure it out. Or we'll be eating guts tonight, too.

Also, this is not fair. I just read that Heidi Klum is pregnant with her fourth child. She is due sometimes in the Fall. I also read somewhere that she is four months along already so she is further than I am. I bet she doesn't look nearly as pregnant as I do! Maybe it isn't so fun to be pregnant with a (gorgeous) celebrity. Aren't there any fat celebs? Or any other fatties that are pregnant?

That was Heidi just the other day. Umm, yep, I'm MUCH bigger than that. I have vowed to watch my portions and my choices again though. I cannot gain 40 or 50 pounds. I just cannot. I drink a lot of Sprite Zero and Light Minute Maid Lemonade and I'm going to try and cut down. I am thirsty all the time- ALL.THE.TIME!!! I am going to drink more water and walk more and maybe go to Curves again.

So, please, ask me a question. Give me a topic. If you wanna ask a pregnancy question, I can't help that, right?

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