Today is Blue's 28th birthday. He is not a fan of birthdays or holidays and whatnot. He's kinda just a dud about these things. That is why God gave him me. I drag out the fun in him.
Blue is (so far) the greatest person I've ever met and I love him so much. I'm overwhelming proud of him and everything he has accomplished in such a short time. He has succeeded against some pretty bad odds even though I always believed in him. He is there for me all the time, though sometimes it's not what I think I want, it's what I need.
He is certainly not perfect but I have to say that he and I have worked VERY hard on some serious issues in the past few months with fabulous results. He is who I think of when I'm happy, mad (it's his fault, of course), scared, excited. He is my best friend, my ally, my love, my heart, my protector aaaaannnnnnddddd the father of my sweet little Baby (who is 9 weeks gestation today!).
Happy Birthday, Blue! We love you and we are so proud of you. Thank God that you are ours- K, Baby & P
I'm a 28 year-old really obsessed with shoes. I'm married to Blue. I love reading and writing. I am very into tv, celebrities, and pop culture. I love makeup, fashion, and all that jazz.