Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Tagged by Jill-

8 Things I'm looking forward to:
  1. Going to St Thomas
  2. J & S's wedding
  3. Spending beach time with my family
  4. swimming
  5. buying Baby's things
  6. seeing Isa, Olivier and Sweet Cupcake Girl with the Gorgeous Smile!
  7. Feeling Baby move
  8. Baby's birth!!!!!!

8 Things I did yesterday:
  1. drove home from camp with mom
  2. saw sweet Baby for the second time
  3. heard Baby's heart beating for the first time!
  4. talked to my OB
  5. went to store
  6. did lots of laundry
  7. bought more Sour Patch Kids (what is another really tart/sour candy?)
  8. made delicious mini shepherd's pie for supper
8 Things I wish I could do:
  1. lose weight
  2. and eat french fries
  3. see Baby whenever I want (which is always)
  4. be on the beach right now
  5. find a cute maternity bathing suit
  6. sew
  7. be in school
  8. snap my fingers and have a clean house and clean laundry

8 TV Shows I watch:
  1. The Amazing Race
  2. Gossip Girl
  3. House
  4. American Idol
  5. Survivor
  6. Desperate Housewives
  7. Lost
  8. The Real Housewives

8 People I tag:
  1. Kate
  2. Kelli
  3. Tanyetta
  4. Sarah T.
  5. Lainey-Painey
  6. Crissy
  7. Gina
  8. Kathryn
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