Tagged by Jill-
8 Things I'm looking forward to:
- Going to St Thomas
- J & S's wedding
- Spending beach time with my family
- swimming
- buying Baby's things
- seeing Isa, Olivier and Sweet Cupcake Girl with the Gorgeous Smile!
- Feeling Baby move
- Baby's birth!!!!!!
8 Things I did yesterday:
- drove home from camp with mom
- saw sweet Baby for the second time
- heard Baby's heart beating for the first time!
- talked to my OB
- went to store
- did lots of laundry
- bought more Sour Patch Kids (what is another really tart/sour candy?)
- made delicious mini shepherd's pie for supper
8 Things I wish I could do:
- lose weight
- and eat french fries
- see Baby whenever I want (which is always)
- be on the beach right now
- find a cute maternity bathing suit
- sew
- be in school
- snap my fingers and have a clean house and clean laundry
8 TV Shows I watch:
- The Amazing Race
- Gossip Girl
- House
- American Idol
- Survivor
- Desperate Housewives
- Lost
- The Real Housewives
8 People I tag:
- Kate
- Kelli
- Tanyetta
- Sarah T.
- Lainey-Painey
- Crissy
- Gina
- Kathryn