A lot of my blog posts have titles taken from songs, right?
I want to say first that I have been overwhelmed by all the sweet congratulations and well wishes. Everything that you have said (written) has been cherished and appreciated. Thank you so so much.
I am 7w5d today and the past few days have been a little rough. I've been crampy and spotting and that makes me nervous and afraid. My doctor assures me that everything looks good and that all is well. I just have to have faith. Faith that the doctor knows what she is talking about, faith in myself that I can do this, faith in Baby and, of course, faith that God knows what He is doing.
Tomorrow is Gus' bridal shower and I'm very excited. She reads this blog so I am going to wait until later to tell you all about it but it's going to be really nice. Mom and I went to get her (their) present yesterday and that was fun. They didn't have any gift bags or people to wrap though and that is NOT fun. It's all good though.
Mom ordered some great food. I am doing the cake and some sweets. Our friend, B, is doing the decorations and some family and friends will do some dishes. We are just going to eat and talk and then she will open her gifts. I know that she is nervous to do that in front of a bunch of people but she will be fine! My brother is going to come with her to introduce her to some of the people that she doesn't know. I think that is sweet of him.
What kind of stuff do you do at bridal showers (I think everyone and every area is different)? Have you ever thrown one?
I'm a 28 year-old really obsessed with shoes. I'm married to Blue. I love reading and writing. I am very into tv, celebrities, and pop culture. I love makeup, fashion, and all that jazz.