Thursday, February 19, 2009


I have to buy dresses/skirts/outfits for upcoming bridal showers, luncheons, parties and weddings. I am not looking forward to it. I'd love to shop for someone else, someone that looks better. That is fun. Me, not so much.

I don't know really what I want. I am co-hosting Gus' bridal shower and I want to look nice but not old. I feel like sometimes I look too old because I can't wear certain things. I am working on my arms because if I could wear sleeveless, that would help. The dress that I am wearing to the wedding is (very) open and sleeveless. It is very cute and comfy, just not cute on me.

The other kicker- I have to have a few different outfits because the same people will be there for most events. It also doesn't help that I am not a perfect size. Before I lost any weight, I was big but I knew what (large, very large) size I was. I recently bought some tops from two different places and they are big on me. Most of my current clothes- jeans, tops and dresses are too big for me.

I don't think that any of my old summer clothes fit me either. We are going to St Thomas on May 28th and I need clothes for that. I also need some shoes, of course. No! I seriously do. I have ONE pair of semi-acceptable Volatile ones that are not gonna last the summer. Layla chewed two pairs (of shoes) when we first moved here.

Sooooo, I not only need clothes and shoes (and sunglasses, necklaces, etc) but to get all of that- I need money! I'm all worked up about it. I am thinking of going to the mall to see if I can get a job at L'occitane, maybe. I don't want to work at night though. Or weekends. So, maybe a mall job won't work. But, where? A salon, maybe? I don't know. I can't work Saturdays- I have tons to do on lots of upcoming Saturdays.

I realize that a lot of what I am saying is contradictory and bumbly. I'm kinda thinking as I am writing. I am going to try and compile a post of the shoes and dresses that I've seen online that I like, so far. I'm laying a little low today because of a sore throat and headache.

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