I am feeling really sad and reflective this morning. Last night a good friend of mine told me that her sister-in-law's mom just found out that she has brain cancer. The doctor's have given her about three months to live.
My friend and I were just with this woman (Mrs C) when we went to the dinner theatre. Remember that? This woman recently battled pancreatic cancer (what Patrick Swayze had and also what my grandfather died of) and was extremely skinny when I saw her. My mom used to know this lady from around town, too. She was a teacher at one time.
Mrs C. has two grown children (a son and the daughter I mentioned) and one three-year-old grandson. I just don't even know what I would do if I found out that one of my parents (or husband or brother, etc) only had three months to live. Or if I found out that I only had three months to live, what would I do? How would I handle that?
I strongly believe that God gives us the strength we need to deal with things- as we need it. It's not something I can comprehend. Everything seems so unimportant. So many things that I would want to do and say and see and hear. It's just a very overwhelming thought- having to cram a lifetime into a couple of months.
This morning, in my 2nd day of 21 days of prayer, I'm thinking of Mrs C and her family. I pray that God gives her peace and strength, what I pray for myself all the time. I pray that God comforts her and her family and that they feel Him and His love.
I pray for everyone who is sick with cancer right now. I pray for their families and friends.
I'm a 28 year-old really obsessed with shoes. I'm married to Blue. I love reading and writing. I am very into tv, celebrities, and pop culture. I love makeup, fashion, and all that jazz.