I got this from Lys. I'm in the mood for a meme so here I go. *Maybe I should... s
ave money*I love the smell of... g
ardenias, suntan lotion (coconut), Luke's neck*People would say that I... a
m loud and funny* I don’t understand why...
I cannot sleep like a normal human*When I wake up in the morning...
I must.Drink. Something.*I lost my will power to...
stay away from a little bit of chocolate everyday.*Life is wonderful with...
my Blue and Layla.*My past made me...
less trustful of people. *I get annoyed when...
people try to walk all over me.*Parties are not...
usually my thing.*Dogs are...
cute but a lot of work.*Cats...
evil.*Tomorrow I am going to...
go to two doctors- the ENT (for my ears) and the dermatologist. *I have a low tolerance for...
alcohol and stupidity.*I fear...
clowns.*I wonder why I thought my life would be...
ummmm, different.*Never in my life...
do I think you should say never.*High school is something that...
I think of with very mixed emotions. I wouldn't trade it for the world. * When I'm nervous...
my stomach is in knots, I pick at my fingernails, I have to move, I can't sleep.*Take my advice...
if you love someone, tell them.*Making my bed is...
not really a priority.*I'm almost always...
praying. *I'm addicted to...
shopping, going to the For Sale By Owner web site, and probably carbs, too. *I want someone...
to wave a magic wand and give me beautiful, perfect skin and make me a size 6. OK - if you are reading and want to do this, let me know in the comments!
Labels: meme