We're Having Twins!
No, not Luke and me (but, did that catch your attention?)- my cousin! I'm very excited about this. Yesterday, we went to Nanny's and got to see the kids and the pregnant mommies. My cousin, Jennifer, is pregnant (due April 2) for her third boy. Her oldest two, Hunter & Mason are so cute! My cousin Robby's wife, Cathleen is 7 weeks pregnant with TWINS! They have a 3-yr-old, Arlee.
She is already huge! Not as big as Jen but bigger than a normal 7 week-er. She's not sick, just tired and hungry. I think the babies are both girls. I had a dream the night before I heard they were having twins. I dreamed of Robby with two little girls- babies- and I thought it was Arlee and the new baby but, when I heard Cathleen was carrying twins, I knew! It was twin girls. That's what Cathleen wants.
Lindsey's oldest sister, Heather, has twin girls. I've been bff with Lin for 13+ years so, I was there throughout that whole ordeal. She got bigger everyday it seemed. It was fun and crazy and the twins are sweethearts. They are fraternal and were born big, healthy, beautiful. I waited in the waiting room at the hospital all day that July. Now, the girls love High School Musical and perfume from Libby Lou.
Being around the kids and the pregnant bellies left me thinking. It reinforced the fact that I will be a good mother. I'm natural with children. I love being with them, they love me. The same is true about my Blue. As big and opposing as he may seem, kids love him! For me, kids bring joy, joy, joy to an event. I love the funny things they say (Arlee, who is very spoiled, says she will not feed her new babies, her favorite place to eat is Picadilly, and she loves to shop) and how very smart they really are.
Jennifer didn't have Hunter until she was 27. She's having this boy at 33. Robby is 10 years older than me and didn't have Arlee until he was 33. Cathleen will have the twins at 36. I'll be 27 on January 17. Is it ok that I have not been in such a rush? Yes. There are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many people who'd have me pregnant many times over by now but, I feel this is what's right for me. For us. I love to talk about children, to dream about it and the time is getting closer... I'm ok with having put it off. We were married young but, also, together young. I would love to be pregnant for Christmas of '08.
Labels: babies, family, twins