6 Things You May Already Know
Katiebug tagged me for this. I'm supposed to give 6 habits/facts about me. I'm not really sure what I
have not told y'all!! Ask away if there is something you wanna know. If this is a repeat of things you already know, sorry.
- I am a huge people person. I love people and am very fascinated by them and their lives and choices. That is why I love reality TV (some) and reading blogs and biographies.
- When I go to a restaurant, I can't order something ordinary. I want the greatest thing. Why order something I "can get anywhere"? I just enjoy food.
- I get book anxiety. I must have a book to read and one waiting or I'm all panicked!
- I feel guilty about everything. Guilt is there all the time.
- I do not take my narcotic pain meds as much as I probably should because I love them and addiction runs rampant in my family.
- I love to give presents! Especially to kids- I'm a spoiler.
I'm supposed to tag 6 more people- Valley Girl, Geggie, Dana, Patty, Sarah C. and Amy.