This is the first installment of the "I Believe" series. I will do them periodically as the feeling moves me. After reading some of my "I Believe"s, let me know some of yours! Let me know which ones you agree with and ones you think are funny/entertaining/ignorant, etc... Here we go. I BELIEVE: ~blue jeans and flip flops are always in style. ~you can never have too many shoes. EVER. ~there is no such thing as a diamond that is too big. ~in big hair. ~in big hugs. ~in a good cry. ~in the healing power of retail therapy (especially shoe shopping, for me) ~my family is probably better than yours (hey Lindsey!!) ~there is no need to wear rings on all your fingers ~it's ok to stay home on a weekend night and watch a movie or read a book ~in laughing out loud (just throwing your head back and laughing from your belly!) ~in dancing like no one is watching... in public ~in the "no white shoes after Labor Day" rule ~my daddy can beat up your daddy ~in true love and happy endings ~in singing in the shower (and the kitchen, the car...)
I'm a 28 year-old really obsessed with shoes. I'm married to Blue. I love reading and writing. I am very into tv, celebrities, and pop culture. I love makeup, fashion, and all that jazz.